Removal of damage with matches. Removing the evil eye with matches. How to remove the evil eye in the church
- A few words about the evil eye
- How to make sure there is damage
- The easiest way to determine damage
- How to get rid of the evil eye and damage
- Ritual with 3 matches
- Ritual of removing the evil eye with an egg
- How to remove the evil eye in the church?
- How to remove the evil eye with matches?
- How to remove the evil eye with salt?
If in life everything went wrong, how you would like it to be - failures, endless illnesses, everything falls out of your hands, perhaps the cause of all this is the evil eye. It is easy to check. With the help of matches with water, you can not only determine that you are suffering because of the evil eye, but also conduct rituals, read a conspiracy that will remove damage.
The plot from damage with matches is considered the most powerful and at the same time extremely simple rite this type.
The best place to look for the evil eye. It may not seem that shook the feeling of fear or impending disaster? You may need to protect the evil eye. In superstitions that are common in the Mediterranean world and beyond, on your wall or wrist blue-and-white tear decoration can attack malicious energy. Also known by its Turkish name, Nazar, glass charm is located above the door frame or on the wall in Turkish houses and factories. In short, going to Istanbul, your best bet to search for the evil eye in the Valley is in the beads of Bernie.
A few words about the evil eye
Even people far from magic have heard of the evil eye. If damage is a rite aimed at another person, made on purpose, then the evil eye is an unintentional harm. There are signs by which one can determine the evil eye:
- Irritability, discontent.
- Any business ends in failure, constant failure.
- Weakness, fatigue, frequent yawning.
- Dreams without dreams.
- Household injuries have become more frequent: bruises, bruises, cuts, a person often beats dishes, runs into corners, etc.
- Hatred towards relatives appears, the desire to communicate with people disappears.
But these signs can speak about the beginning of the disease, depression, fatigue. Therefore, you should conduct rituals with matches and water and find out whether your suspicions were confirmed.
He has tons of blue-white beads, not to mention a few historic ones that were created several thousand years ago. In addition to to the evil eye , he stockpiles the smallest beads of every color and shape. There is no guarantee that they will turn your luck. Despite the fact that you can not grab a fresh product or cough syrup in this general store, you can certainly stock up on their new favorite styles.
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How to make sure there is damage
Both damage and the evil eye have a negative effect on a person. Therefore, it is very important to determine whether your troubles are not a consequence of a negative magical effect. If the suspicions are confirmed, a simple plot will save you from problems in a couple of minutes.
Determining whether you suffer from damage is not difficult. For this you need a glass (not faceted) and 3 matches. This is one hundred percent way to determine damage.
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In a bowl with salt water, put 3 burnt matches, if all of them are drowned, it means that damage to death was directed at you.
The ritual is held only Friday, you can do it either early in the morning, at sunrise, or in the evening, at sunset. In the cooked glass you need to pour water. Do not fill it all, to the brim should be 1-2 cm.
To check the presence of damage, it is necessary to light a match and, until it is completely burned, hold it (you cannot intercept it and put it somewhere). After that, it must be put on the water. Then you need to take the second and third and repeat the ritual. A glass of matches must be left until the next morning.
In the morning, you can determine whether there is cause for concern. If all the matches are floating above, everything is fine. If they drowned (one or more), no matter if they reached the bottom or not, there is damage. All matches at the bottom - damage to death.
The easiest way to determine damage
Sometimes there is no time and energy for ceremonies, and it is necessary to find out if there is damage. There is a very simple way with which you can determine the presence of damage.
Clay dishes for the diagnosis of damage
You need to take ordinary water and pour it into dishes made of clay or wood. She should stay near you or in your room at least a day. Then take a match and hold it in your hand for 1-2 minutes. It is necessary to ignite, and when it is completely burned, throw into the water. If damage is, then it will immediately be at the bottom. Instead of matches, bread is sometimes used. He is also held in his hands and thrown into a bowl. If in a couple of minutes it goes to the bottom, then there is damage.
How to get rid of the evil eye and damage
If it was possible to determine with the help of matches and water that there is damage to you, they will also help to remove the negative impact. These rites are quite simple and effective.
To remove damage or the evil eye, you need to call an assistant, prepare a glass with clean spring or holy water and a new box in which you need to leave only 9 matches.
Throw a match into the water should certainly after it burned more than half.
As soon as it gets dark, you need to sit opposite each other. The assistant takes a match, sets it on fire, and, looking at the other person through the fire, says:
“Almighty, help the slave (e) to Your (her) name of the sufferer. Save and save the heavenly blood (again the name) from the black evil eye, from the bad hour, from the male, from the female, from the slanderous, from the meeting room, from the envious and hated. Amen".
As soon as the fire gets to the fingers, you need to throw it into the water. This ritual must be done 9 times. If all the matches remained on the surface of the water, there was no evil eye. If half the matches were on the bottom (4-5 pieces), then the evil eye was. If everyone fell to the bottom, then the evil eye is very strong. One day it will not be possible to remove it, you need to hold the ceremony 2 more times (it should make 3), and preferably not to delay it, repeat it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.
After that, the victim must take a sip of this water (4 sips in total) on each side of the cup. Also it is necessary to sprinkle this water with the words:
“Lord, help me, do not leave Thy servant (name of the patient). Amen".
Take out the remaining water to the street and pour it over the left shoulder, leaving a considerable distance from the house.
Ritual with 3 matches
If you need to remove the evil eye, this plot will help. He acts very quickly. You can read it any day.
For the ritual it is necessary to take only pure, non-fresh water.
It is necessary to take a jar and pour into it unclean water. Must say three times the conspiracy:
“Mother Queen, Holy Water; save and heal, and have mercy from today, from noon, from night, from midnight, from sentry, from half-hour, from minute, from half-minute, from second, from half-second ,. Save and heal, and have mercy on (name) from a bad hour, from a thin eye. "
Then burn three matches one by one. Fire you need to baptize the cooked water and repeat:
"Fire and water dashing by the eyes."
Then you should throw the match into the water. This ritual is repeated three times. The victim of the evil eye must be sprayed three times with this water, not forgetting to repeat:
"In the name of the Father, and the son and the Holy Spirit."
Then you need to drink this water. It is best to do this more than once. You can wet her hands and wipe her face, hold them through her hair. It is necessary to remove water from the face with the wrong side of clothing. If a mother is trying to rid her child of the evil eye, she should use her underwear that has been twisted.
To remove the evil eye, you can use this plot. If the evil eye is very strong, the ritual is performed up to 9 times.
Burning matches: removal of the evil eye
It is necessary to spend it only in the evening when the sun goes down. For the ceremony, it is necessary to take holy water (if it is not there, the usual one will do), pour it into a bowl. It is necessary to light matches and directly burning throw them into the water, repeating a conspiracy. After uttering the treasured words, it is necessary to drink this water three times, not pulling out the matches and washing it also three times. At the end of the ceremony, you need to pour it into the toilet, saying:
"Where it came from, go there."
“Holy Fathers Mitrofan, Bless the servant of God (name), Pray for her soul and body, Remember Our Heavenly Father, your children, Adam and Eve, And the sorcerer’s father, and the midwife Solomonid, the midwife Solomonid of the baby Jesus dabbed, Hands up accepted, from 12 evil eye defended: From the opposite, transverse, From gray, gray, from black and white. From the eyes of people envious, from the women shaggy, From the witch shaggy, from the old man gray, From the cripple of the lame. Not I say, Mother Theotokos with 12 apostles says, Heals the Holy Word, Heals Rana. Dawn kills the dawn, washes it with its hand, wipes it with its shroud. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
In this article:
How to remove the evil eye? Many people think over this question, and most often people who have suddenly changed things not for the better in life: problems started at work, with their own business, quarrels with their beloved, relatives, etc. There are many methods to eliminate Negative influence , but the most popular are - the rituals of removing the egg, in the church, with salt and matches.
Ritual of removing the evil eye with an egg
Rolling out the evil eye with an egg is considered easy enough and effective method eliminate negative impact per person. For the ritual will need white fresh egg which was carried by the domestic chicken (the egg should not be kept in the fridge before the rite and be no more than three days old). Before the rite, the egg must be washed in spring or thawed snow.
It is better to perform a magical ritual in the morning in a bright and spacious room with open windows. The victim of the negative must face the icon, and the helper who will conduct the ceremony must stand behind him. Next, you need to light a candle, take an egg with your right hand and start to drive it through the victim's body. First, in a clockwise direction, you need to make a few circles around the head, going down to the neck, spine, back, then roll the egg on the right shoulder and arm, chest, then on the left and gradually fall to its feet.
During all the time, while the ritual is performed, one must read the prayer of Our Father. After the procedure, you must immediately break the egg and pour it into a container. If the egg has changed its color and structure, it means that the evil eye was not completely removed and the procedure must be repeated to complete the healing of the victim. It is recommended to remove the evil eye with this method in one cycle for 7 days.
When the interpretation and decoding of the broken egg was completed, then you should immediately get rid of it - bury it far away from the house to the ground or pour it into the sewer channel, at the same time say the following words:
“Hell, evil eye, diseases, failures clean water carry. Amen".
Dish, where the egg was poured, also need to throw. At the end of rolling out, it is necessary to whisper the prayer of thanksgiving to Jesus Christ and the Mother of Theotokos in a whisper. The final step is to wash your hands under clean running water.
How to remove the evil eye in the church?
It is allowed to carry out the procedure of removing the negative impact in the church only if the victim or helper sincerely believe in God, otherwise the actions performed will not help.
To eliminate the evil eye in the church itself, it is necessary for 3 weeks on Sundays to go to church and put a candle for your health.
Prayer otchitka - one of the most common ways of getting rid of negative programs
In the 1st week it is necessary to put a candle in one church, in the 2nd - in two, and in the 3rd - in three. It is advisable to put a candle to your guardian angel. If there is no such icon in the chosen church, then in this case you can put candles Mother of God and all the Saints.
After the candle was lit, it is necessary to read Psalm 90 “Living Aid”, the prayers to the “Honest Cross” and “Theotokos”.
If the victim of the negative knows who could have jinxed him, then the culprit must put the candle for health. Before eliminating the evil eye, it is not recommended to tell anyone about this, as even relatives can sometimes jinx it.
How to remove the evil eye with matches?
The method of removing the negative impact with the help of matches is the easiest. For the ceremony will need a box of matches and a glass of holy water. After sunset it is necessary to sit at the table and in front of the person from whom the evil eye will be removed to put a glass filled with water, put 9 matches and the box itself. Next, set fire to one match by raising it to the level of the victim's face, and looking at the fire, say the following words:
“Lord, help, grant the slave (name of the victim). Heavenly blood and pure. Save and save your servant (the name of the victim) from the black evil eye, from the evil hour, from the male, from the female, from the joyful, from the child, from the slander, from the hated and from the meeting room. ”
When the match fire starts to approach the fingers, it should be thrown into the water. After that, light the next match and speak the same conspiracy words. So you need to do with every match. The number of drowned matches indicates the strength of the negative sent:
- if all matches were left to float, then the reason for the failures is not the evil eye, but something else;
- if more than 5 matches sank, then the evil eye is strong enough;
- if all 9 were at the bottom of the glass, then the negative sent is very strong.

Great way to work independently
When strong evil eye It is necessary to repeat the removal procedure at least 3 times, once each day.
After conspiracy words , you need to sprinkle the victim of the evil eye with water from a glass and say the words: “Lord, help me, do not leave. Amen". Then give a drink of water from 4 sides of the glass and then pour the water outside the house over the left shoulder. If the evil eye is light, then its manifestations begin to disappear within a few minutes.
How to remove the evil eye with salt?
Even in ancient times, people knew that many objects or products are able to absorb energy and magic negative, like a sponge. Salt is one of these magical products. Even professionals use salt when removing the evil eye and spoilage. Magic rituals with salt are very popular also due to the fact that they are easy enough and, most importantly, not only a sorcerer, but also anyone can take advantage of it.
If you jinxed the whole family, then you need to use the following rite. It will be necessary for him to ask the neighbors to borrow a little salt (it does not hurt the neighbors). You need to take salt from several different houses or apartments (you need as many handfuls of salt as people in the family). Then you have to mix all the borrowed salt, and each time you cook it, salt it, while saying:
“Salt the magic salt and sleep, I return to my family. Salt and water to those who ruined my whole family. Amen".
For the ritual, you need a new salt, which should be bought by the rules
When the food is cooked, it is necessary that all family members eat a little with one spoon.
If you need to remove the evil eye from one person, then it is better to use another magical rite . For him, you need a frying pan, which after the ritual is not a pity to throw out, and a pack of salt, specially purchased for the procedure. Next, from the pack add some (handful) salt to the pan and calcine it. If the evil eye actually exists, then the salt will begin to crack, produce a bad smell and darken. During this ceremony should say the words:
“What came from the wind - it went the same way. What came out of the forest - and it went to him. What has come from the bad people has gone to him. What came from Mother Earth - and went into it. Amen".
After that, the salt must be moved to the plate, and under it put a photo of the person from whom the evil eye is removed. If the victim herself removes the actions of the negative, then the plate with salt should be placed at the head of his bed at night.
The next day, salt from the plate should be placed in the same frying pan and again repeat the above steps. Doing so for 7 days. On the 8th day, bury the salt in the ground or wash it in the sink with plenty of water. Frying pan and unused pack of salt to throw away from the home.
How to remove the evil eye with matches?How to remove the evil eye with salt?
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How to remove the evil eye in the church?
How to remove the evil eye with matches?
How to remove the evil eye with salt?